Our Community Standards are designed to create a positive and respectful environment for all users of the Wizer mobile application (“App”) and the services provided by Wizer (“Service”). By using the App and the Service, you agree to comply with and uphold these Community Standards. If you do not agree to these standards, please do not use the App or the Service.

1. Respect and Professionalism

a. Users on Wizer are expected to treat each other with respect and maintain a professional demeanour. Harassment, discrimination, or any form of abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.

b. Be considerate of cultural differences and diverse perspectives, and avoid engaging in activities that may be offensive or disrespectful.

2. Transparent and Honest Communication

a. Users are encouraged to communicate openly and honestly when engaging with other users. Misrepresentation of skills, services, or any other information is not allowed.

b. Clearly communicate expectations, timelines, and any relevant details when providing or seeking freelance services.

3. Integrity and Ethical Conduct

a. Uphold high standards of integrity and ethical conduct when providing or seeking freelance services.

b. Respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not engage in plagiarism, copyright infringement, or any other form of unauthorised use of content.

4. Safety and Privacy

a. Protect your personal information and exercise caution when sharing sensitive details on the platform.

b. Report any suspicious or inappropriate behaviour to Wizer for review and action.

5. Collaborative Environment

a. Foster a collaborative and supportive environment by providing constructive feedback and guidance to fellow users.

b. Encourage a culture of learning and growth within the Wizer community.

6. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

a. Users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using the App and the Service.

b. Any illegal activities or requests for illegal services are strictly prohibited.

7. Zero Tolerance for Unlawful or Harmful Activities

a. Wizer has a zero-tolerance policy for any activities that are unlawful, harmful, or pose a threat to the safety of the community.

b. Users engaging in such activities may face immediate suspension or termination of their account.

8. Reporting Violations

a. If you encounter a user who violates these Community Standards, please report the incident to Wizer through the provided reporting mechanisms within the App.

b. Wizer will investigate reported violations and take appropriate action, which may include suspension or termination of accounts.

9. Changes to Community Standards

Wizer reserves the right to update or modify these Community Standards at any time. Users will be notified of any material changes through the App or other means. Continued use of the App and the Service after such changes constitutes acceptance of the revised Community Standards.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Community Standards, please contact us at [community@wizerapp.com].